relaxing down south

Gosh, can it be two weeks ago already that I drove down south to visit my friend Lisa (Notes from Africa)?!

I have to tell you – it’s great having amazing friends whom you can just relax with.  No pressure, no pretense, no forced conversations.  There was no shortage of hot days – it is summer, after all! – or a little exercise.  Exercise.  You know, that thing that’s good for the soul, and . . . well, you know. 😉  And the food?  Yes, that was really good too!

Miss Rosie gives the best advice ever for coping with our hot days!

I had no problem following Rosie’s advice and taking a nap myself shortly after arriving at Lisa’s.  It was just the thing to store up some energy for the evening walk Lisa, Willie, Rosie and I enjoyed in the woods.

I love walking here!

glancing back as we left the forest - what a view!

I’m not following a regular exercise regime at the moment so after that walk I slept really well and was ready to go the next morning when we went for a stroll around the neighbourhood!

it's challenging getting miss Rosie to pose while out walking

One of these days, miss Rose, one of these days!   Rosie-girl is a very enthusiastic walker with little patience for the dawdling of amateur photographers.  Lisa did a good job of getting her to stay put – more or less – for a couple of minutes. 🙂

hmm. . . not sure if they were greeting us or Rosie

I can't get enough of all the trees here

Lisa kept surprising me with short outings.  One was in the early morning when we drove to Herolds Bay.

looking out on herolds bay

It’s an interesting little town with curious notices posted near the beach.  I’m not sure if these are intended or not – presumably not.

the top notice reads "one dog on beach" in Afrikaans

so, if you speak Afrikaans you are allowed one dive, but not if you speak English?

Heading back home we stopped a few times along the road to take pictures.  I was in zoom-mode (a bit obsessed, I think) so you should really check out the much more interesting photos that Lisa took.  There was a black farm dog in the field below and I really thought I got a good shot of it – but I didn’t.  Next time I want to take my own prop (a.k.a. Rosie!) with and try again!

I think Rosie will look good here

This was not the last of Lisa’s surprises.  She took me on a short “mystery trip” up the side of the mountain onto Montagu Pass.

Montagu Toll house dated 1855

The next day we needed a break, and I had to rest up for my return trip home.

It was another great visit!  We had more laughs, more sharing of knowledge, lovely naps, not so healthy yoghurt shakes . . .

Thank you Lisa, Rosie and Willie for having me come visit and unwind again!

7 thoughts on “relaxing down south

  1. It’s always interesting to me how we can go for a photo walk together and take completely different shots. Photography is really a snapshot of what catches the individual’s eye.

    I’m so glad you took photos of the “een hond op strand” and “een duik” signs – I completely forgot about that.

    We enjoyed your visit a lot too! 🙂

    • Those signs were so funny. I still chuckle when I read them. 🙂

      The Herolds Bay photo is a panoramic stitch of 3 photos. One of the seams are glaringly obvious to me, so I still need lots of practice with the white balance thing. Or learn to use the bracket setting on my camera! 😉

  2. What a lovely, heartwarming post, Riekie. It is wonderful to have friends with whom you are comfortable enough to just relax and chill and laze about, without having to be active and interactive all the time, especially if you’re just tired or headachy. I like! 🙂

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